Friday, November 27, 2009

When Linux Locks Up

The following are some key combinations to get around a locked up Linux system:

  • Shutdown X11: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
  • Switch from X11 to text login: Ctrl-Alt-F1, F2, F3 (don't do with a dual monitor setup in XP, you will lose one of your monitors :-()
If the above don't work try the following steps to shutdown:
  1. Ctrl-Alt-Del and wait 30 seconds for init to shutdown your computer
  2. If this fails use SAK(?). While holding down Alt-PrintScreen (SysRq key Combo) press the following keys
    1. 'S' to sync drives
    2. 'U' to unmount drives
    3. 'B' to reboot
  3. If all this fail, then take your life in yours hands and hit the power switch :-(
Note: You may see some activity when you press the 'S' key and 'U' key, but you may not. Don't give up. Continue to step 3 and hit the reboot key 'B' and wait. Even when I have saw nothing for the sync and unmount commands the boot command has worked.

This was gleaned from the following link:

Keywords: linux, hangs, hung, reboot, freezes, frozen

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