- Opensource defies traditional IP models
Adding Users with 'sudo' Privileges in Linux
- sudo adduser <username>
- sudo addgroup <groupname>
- sudo adduser <username> <groupname>
- run a pipe commands sudo
- sudo sh -c "ls > /root/somefile"
- sudo password is stored for 15 minutes
- password is not show on screen, even with *, it is input a each key stroke
- use 'gksudo' or kdesudo' to start graphical applicatons
- prevents file in home directory being owned by root
- gksudo "gnome-open %u"
- lets you drag and drop files as root
- login as another user
- sudo -i -u <username>
- to enable root
- sudo -i
- sudo passwd root
- re-disabling root account
- sudo passwd -dl root
- removing the password prompt for sudo
- sudo visudo
- add to the end of the file
- <username> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
- ^x to save file
- log out and in
- reset sudo to ask for password
- sudo -k
US drone fleet infected by virus
- keys stroke recorder
- Creech Air Force Base in Mojave Desert
- wipe from machines, but keeps coming back
- call to double drones by 2021
- 12 camera drones sharing data with troops on ground