Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to Ignore an Exception

    // try something that might throw an exception here.
catch (...)
   // exception will be caught but ignored.

Get My First Appplication on my Nexus One Phone

I have Java, Eclipse and the Android SDK installed.  Also the computer is seeing my phone.

Working from the following link:

Everything seemed fine till I got to the point to look at the code.  The code window doesn't show up.  I have seen it before, but I don't remember what I did.

Had to double click on the HelloAndroid.java name in the tree HelloAndroid ==> src ==> com.example.helloandroid ==> HelloAndroid.java

Now I am unable to edit the code.  Now I can edit the file.  I am now sure what changed.  Was it just way behind?  Don't thing so, other options where working.

My old portable my not be powerful enough to run Eclipse.

Running the app ran it on my HTC that was connected.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Keyboard and Mouse Sharing

Can be done with Synergy and Synergy+ in the open source area.  Can be done with done with Multiplicity and ZoneScreen if you want to buy the application.  Synergy will work across Linux and Windows.  Multiplicity and ZoneScreen only seem to work with Windows but is much more capable.  This is a nice site that shows the alternatives.

File Sharing with Pogoplug NAS


Looks pretty nice.  Actually transcodes video files automatically.  This lets you display it on your IPOD.  Also has a Android app.  Is is build upon Linux which they don't hide.  The Linux platform is OpenPogo.  You share everything through their server.

There is also TonidoPlug based on Ubuntu.  This seems to support sharing applications which is cool.  It is based on SheevaPlug.  Is PogoPlug based on SheevaPlug?  Lets you share using your own static IP or through DynDNS.com.

Is available from buy.com for $98.00.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala with Linux 2.6.31-generic

I am having trouble getting Linux to see my Google phone so I can test Android applications.

Getting the information in the title.

Get the Linux info

uname -a

Get the Ubunto info

lsb_release -a

LSB stands for Linux Standard Base

Root Kit for Android


This root kit was created by a security consultant working for Chicago's Trustwave. The demo root kit is for a demo in the up coming Defcon hacking conference in LA.  Basically once the root kit is installed it can be activated with a message or phone call.  It can reroute 911 calls or reroute web addresses.  This is only a prof of concept.  The risk currently is low for this type of attack.  One of the things that help reduce the risk is getting apps through the store.  This way if there is a problem, Android can contact those who download the malices app.

It would seems like you want to make darn sure that your browser doesn't have holes in it what would let someone install a root kit from the Internet.

What might be the avenue of attack?  Web, messages, USB, and Bluetooth.  Are there any others?

Re: MeeGo


A comparison of Linux net book distributions.  MeeGo did very well.  I like the fast startup time.

The MeeGo site.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Stan Hughes <hughes.stan@gmail.com> wrote:
A Netbook and tablet Linux bases OS build from the ground up for the Intel Atom but work on a lot of other platforms.

The above is a nice article about it.

This is an example of a table Intel is building using MeeGo.  Looks pretty good.  Hope to have something out by early 2011.


A Netbook and tablet Linux bases OS build from the ground up for the Intel Atom but works on a lot of other platforms.

The above is a nice article about it.

This is an example of a table Intel is building using MeeGo.  Looks pretty good.  Hope to have something out by early 2011.